
Wednesday, October 2, 2019

“Hooray for the Underdog!” Essay -- Social Issues, Bullying

No one wants to be called an underdog. The emotional and feelings that comes when you keeo on trying. Being challenged as an underdog amongst peers, family members, even strangers, can have a long lasting effect for someone social being. Being casted as someone who can not measure up to any particular goal or ambitions, usually that person enters a stage of melancholy and loneliness. SHORTEN IT!!! Ever been dubbed the underdog? A society of called the United States of America was claimed to be the underdog from the old world However what happens if the station change and it was not an individual situation, but it’s was predicated on an entire nation? Usually underdogs never have the support to help their ideas and view to be noticed. One author took one this a underdog, America and showed how democracy in a new world can change society into a radical society of equality. When we are being bullied, it’s always nice to have someone to stick up for us during our time of need. Usually we do have someone who cares enough to stand up for us, but Sometimes that doesn’t not happen and we’re left alone to defend for ourselves. And we look to our own inner strength to build up our crushes ego. But, imagine, that the bullying was presented in a larger scale? Imagine the victim was a state, how would reactions play out? In Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, that sort of bullying was taking place. But as individuals would inattentively hurt one another, no, this is was a attack on a America and its citizens, such as the Puritans and the liberal democracy of the America. Tocqueville was sent to view the supposed faulty political system of America, but One that was looked upon hastily was the American Puritans ( add more) ... ...uotes) In the long run, this political behaviour (if not changed) can lead up to many problems in regards to building state to state relationships in the future. when trying to build relationship in between, and using prejudices to segregate as a way to keep only harm alliances. A democratic political system can look scary on the outside, but in the long run the system can improve, but only as its followers want to make their system into a better place. Tocqueville was right in standing up for America because he had the experience and the knowledge that citizens from the mother land did not. In truth, his main focus in the end was to show that America was more happier, peaceful, and hold teh keys to allow democradcy to build and expand to freedom for all.

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