
Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Article for publication about marketing Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

For publication about marketing - Article Example Marketing is defined as any activity undertaken by an organization in relation to buying and selling products with the aim increasing the margin of sales, purchases and profits. It involves processes such as pricing, promotion and distribution of products so as to satisfy the customers more and also benefit the organization. Marketing is a combination of steps and operations which widen the pool of customers as well as creating loyalty in the existing customers. Successful marketing is achieved through a universal approach which involves market analysis, market planning, implementation and finally market control. Online marketing which is also called internet marketing is defined as any efforts done solely over the internet in order to attract new customers or maintain the existing customers. This form of marketing utilizes various internet marketing tools to drive traffic to the website of the advertiser (Hamill and Karl 19). The common tools of marketing include banner advertisement, emails, and pay per click and are used to bring value to the advertiser (Lee, 67). This form of marketing is growing rapidly since more and more people are becoming internet literate and hence it is able to reach a large pool of potential customers. Internet marketing builds and maintains positive customer relationships through online activities whereby the customer and the advertiser can exchange ideas, products and even services. Internet marketing was introduced many decades ago but has not receives full appreciation until the recent years. Those who first used it did not fully utilize the unique characteri stics it has and hence it has gained popularity at a slow rate. The Internet is composed of numerous marketing features that organizations require to fully explore in order to enjoy the unlimited benefits. The marketing features in the internet should be incorporated in

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